=char(32) is the space character. I've never seen notepad put double quotes
around strings that contain spaces.
But the alt-enters (=char(10)) do cause that.
I used the PutInClipboard routine that Chip Pearson has:
With this sub:
Option Explicit
Sub testme()
Dim MyDataObj As DataObject
Set MyDataObj = New DataObject
MyDataObj.SetText ActiveCell.Text
End Su
And then pasted (manually) into NotePad. No double quotes were inserted. But I
did see a little square where the alt-enter was.
Chip has instructions that you have to follow (including the tools|references
with "Microsoft Forms 2.0 object library") on that sheet.
BB wrote:
How do I copy the carriage return [char(10) or char(32) or alt+enter] and
paste it into notepad without having the quotation marks surround it?