How to copy from Fidelity Retirement Income Planner?



If you are familiar with the Fidelity Retirement Income Planner, can
you tell me how to copy the Detailed Cash Flow Summary into Excel?

I would be satisfied with doing this manually. But I am looking for a
way to do this relatively easily, since I am doing this a number of

When I try to cut-and-paste, the resulting spreadsheet has a lot of
odd symbols in many of the cells. I think it is because I am cut-and-
pasting HTML -- not because I want to, but because it is what is.
This is evident when I try to do Paste Special: instead of the usual
choices (Values, Formulas, etc), my only choices are HTML, Unicode and

When I try to do a Web Query, it does not work at all. I think it is
because the RIP opens a new window for the DCFS, and Web Query does
not know how to follow that action. (Right?)

Currently, I cut-and-paste into Notepad, then import into Excel from
that text file. The procedure works, but it is quite tedious. First,
the column labels do not import well. So I have to type them manually
(initially) or cut-and-paste them from a similar spreadsheet. Second,
I have to adjust the column widths, modify the numeric formats and
remove blank rows.

I guess the second set of steps will be needed in any case. I think I
can write a macro; I have to use macro record mode to learn how to do

But I am hoping that someone has a better way of transfering this
particular table into Excel. TIA for any assistance.

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