The description of the task is too vague to offer a real solution. You can
copy a range from sheet 1 to sheet 4 with the following syntax.
Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A2").Copy _
Or if the data you want to copy is somewhere in a known range:
Dim c As Range
vehiclesno = Range("A1").Value
Set myKnownRange = Sheets(1).Range("A2:A100")
For Each c In myKnownRange
If c.Value = vehiclesno Then
c.Copy Sheets(4).Range("A" & Cells(Rows.Count, 1),End(xlUp).Row)
End If
But to give you code you can use, we would have to know how the data is
organized on sheets 1 - 3, if it is sorted, if vehicle nos are all in the
same column, etc. Remember, we cannot see your worksheets.