How to copy or export (or print) a columnedTable view from Entourage's Project Center > Contacts tab



Version: 2008
Operating System: Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
Processor: Intel

In Entourage's Project Center > Contacts tab, I have a nicely formated table view of 20 Contacts (a Sports Team) listing their info in Columns: Full Name, Mobile Phone, Home Phone, Work Phone, Email Address, Home City.

I want to send this info in an email to others (who can NOT "share" the Project) in a WORD doc format (or some format that will maintain the column/table structure).

I tried the following methods unsuccessfully:

1. Copy & Paste:
Select All > Copy, then Paste into a WORD doc or Ent email (new message).
Result: It pastes all records (separated by a comma), but ONLY pastes their Name and Email Address data (separated by a space) and does NOT past their phone numbers or City.

2. Select & Drag to Email Attachments area:
Select All > Drag to Email Attachments area (new message).
Result: Puts 20 "contact card" .vcf files into attachments.

3. Select & Drag to Email Address area:
Select All > Drag to Email Address area (new message).
Result: Puts 20 email addresses into the CC box.

4. Select & Drag to WORD doc text area:
Select All > to WORD doc text area.
Result: A plus sign (+) appears. When release, it has copied ONLY the first cell (one Name) from the first record into the WORD text field.

How do I capture the table of info that I see on the screen so that I can send it to others (on non-Mac and non-Entourage systems)?
(They are going to want to cut and paste the data into their own Address Book systems.)

For that matter, how do I capture the table of info that I see on the screen so that I can PRINT it.


Replied on 03/01/090=
Reply – Answered question myself:

Well, no one has responded to my question and so I’ve figured out a
“workaround” for it.

The workaround takes a fair amount of time and effort and if I make
any changes to the contacts in Ent (like add a new person to the
Tennis Team) then the previous worksheet if NOT updated
automatically. So I’ve got to do a bunch of unpleasant cutting and

So if someone figures out how to actually capture the table view of
Entourage’s Project Center > Contacts tab in a simple select & copy
type of operation, then please let me know.

The workaround uses the same method that I remember was suggested in
the answer to another Question on a site (I can’t re-find it now).
(Oh yeah, here it is.
Question: Need to export contacts based on Categories or selection
at[email protected]@

1. Created a new Category named TennisTeam2009.
2. I went to the Project > Contacts, individually opened each Contact,
and set the Contact’s category to TennisTeam2009.
3. I went to address book and selected Category TennisTeam2009.
4. I selected all contacts and then exported them to a file on the
5. I CREATED and SWITCHED to a new Ent IDENTITY that was blank.
6. I imported into the new identity the contacts from the desktop
7. Then I exported everything (namely the Contacts) from the NEW
IDENTITY in tab or comma delimited format to a second file of the
8. Then I opened Excel and created a new spreadsheet.
9. I imported the second desktop file contents into the spreadsheet.
10. Then I manipulated the columns of data (deleted the columns I
didn’t want, moved around the columns I wanted).
11. Then I saved, printed, and sent the Excel file to others.
12. Oh, and switch back to my regular Identity within Ent.

If MS wants their Entourage > Projects feature to be of better use to
customers, then they’ve got to make it better at outputting the
information that Project Center shows on the screen!


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