How to create a countdown timer in a worksheet



How to create a countdown timer in a worksheet, like a stopwatch counting
down the seconds/minutes when you click on a START button until you click on
a STOP button

Barb Reinhardt

Public myStartTime As Date
Sub StartTime()
myStartTime = Date + Time

End Sub
Sub StopTime()
Dim myStopTime As Date
Dim Elapsed As Date
Debug.Print myStartTime

If myStartTime = 0 Then
MsgBox ("You have not pressed the START BUTTON first")

myStopTime = Date + Time
Elapsed = myStopTime - myStartTime
MsgBox ("Elapsed time is " & Elapsed)
myStartTime = 0
End If

End Sub

Attach each macro to a different button. You may need to change the
format of Elapsed.

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