How to create a dockable window like stencil-window?



Can I create a dockable window like stencil-window and add control to the

Al Edlund

those are called anchor windows, and there are examples on how to work with
them in the visio sdk


Thank you for your help, Al Edlund

but I couldn't find the example in visio sdk. could you do me fovor to tell
me where the example or copy the example to the post.

Thank you again.


Thank you for your answer, Al Edlund

I couldn't find the example in visio sdk. could you do me fovor to tell me
where the example?

I want to create a anchcor window for my project (using VB.NET). It has the
same appearance like Visio built-in windows(Custom Properties, Size &
Position, Drawing Explorer, and Pan & Zoom windows).

Thank you again.

Al Edlund

C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Visio11\SDK\Samples\Readme Samples


Hi guy,

I cannot help to solve your problem. But I think you could be of help to
solve my problem. Do you know how to show/hide custom properties window,
which is a visio built-in window, via VBA code? From your question, it seems
to me that you can do this simple task. :)



Thank you for your kindly help

I want to create a anchcor window for my project (using VB.NET). It has the
same appearance like Visio built-in windows(Custom Properties, Size &
Position, Drawing Explorer, and Pan & Zoom windows).

The visio 2003 sdk and UML template can create AnchorBarBuiltIn style window
in document winow.

I try to use the Add method to add a anchored window(varType =
visAnchorBarBuiltIn) to Document object. But It fails.

objRet = object.Add ([varCaption][, varFlags]
[, varType][, varLeft][, varTop][, varWidth]
[, varHeight][, bstrMergeID][, bstrMergeClass]
[, nMergePostition])

Thank you again.

Al Edlund

this was modified from the sdk, it's called by the document opened event
'// <summary>This function adds an anchor bar, sets the properties of

'// the anchor bar, and adds a form as contents of the anchor bar. The

'// form is the basic menu for my application (dynamic network displays,


'// <param name="visioApplication">A running Visio application</param>

'// <returns>True if successful, otherwise False</returns>

Public Function funcBuildAnchorWindows(ByVal visioApplication As _

Microsoft.Office.Interop.Visio.Application) As Boolean

Const menuBarTitle As String = "Menu"

Const listBarMergeTitle As String = "vNetMenu"

Dim returnValue As Boolean = False

Dim listWindow As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Visio.Window

Dim windowStates As Object

Dim windowTypes As Object


' The anchor bar will be docked to the bottom-left corner of the

' drawing window and set the anchor bar to auto-hide when not in

' use.

windowStates = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Visio. _

VisWindowStates.visWSAnchorTop Or _

Microsoft.Office.Interop.Visio. _

VisWindowStates.visWSAnchorLeft Or _

Microsoft.Office.Interop.Visio. _

VisWindowStates.visWSAnchorAutoHide Or _

Microsoft.Office.Interop.Visio. _


' The anchor bar is a window created by an add-on

windowTypes = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Visio. _


' Add a custom anchor bar.

listWindow = addAnchorWindow(visioApplication, _

menuBarTitle, _

windowStates, _


' Set the form as contents of the anchor bar.

listForm = New frmAnchorMenu

listForm.ParentVisioApplication = visioApplication

addFormToAnchorWindow(listWindow, _


' The MergeID allows the anchor bar window to be identified

' when it is merged with another window.

listWindow.MergeID = listMergeId

' Allow the anchor window to be merged with other windows that

' have a zero-length MergeClass property value.

listWindow.MergeClass = ""

' Set the MergeCaption property with string that is shorter

' than the window caption. The MergeCaption property value

' appears on the tab of the merged window.

listWindow.MergeCaption = listBarMergeTitle

Catch err As Exception


subDisplayException(Nothing, err)

End Try

Return returnValue

End Function

Spark said:
Thank you for your kindly help

I want to create a anchcor window for my project (using VB.NET). It has
same appearance like Visio built-in windows(Custom Properties, Size &
Position, Drawing Explorer, and Pan & Zoom windows).

The visio 2003 sdk and UML template can create AnchorBarBuiltIn style
in document winow.

I try to use the Add method to add a anchored window(varType =
visAnchorBarBuiltIn) to Document object. But It fails.

objRet = object.Add ([varCaption][, varFlags]
[, varType][, varLeft][, varTop][, varWidth]
[, varHeight][, bstrMergeID][, bstrMergeClass]
[, nMergePostition])

Thank you again.

Al Edlund said:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Visio11\SDK\Samples\Readme Samples

David Parker

After unstalling the SDK, check out:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Visio11\SDK\Samples\Treeview\VBNet

David Parker


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