Never grouped in code but a rapid look at the help gave this:
TaskGroupList Property
Returns a List object representing the task groups in the active project.
Looking again I found
TaskGroups Collection Object
Represents all the task-based group definitions.
Using the TaskGroups Collection
Use the TaskGroups property to return a TaskGroups collection. The following
example lists the names of all the task groups in the active project.
Dim TG As Group
Dim Groups As String
For Each TG in ActiveProject.TaskGroups
Groups = Groups & TG.Name & vbCrLf
Next TG
MsgBox Groups
Use the Add method to add a Group object to the TaskGroups collection. The
following example creates a new group that groups tasks by whether they are
overallocated or not and then modifies the criterion so that overallocated
tasks are sorted in descending order.
ActiveProject.TaskGroups.Add "Overallocated Tasks", "Overallocated"
ActiveProject.TaskGroups("Overallocated Tasks").GroupCriteria(1).Ascending =
In VBE, click the Object Browser Icon, type "Group"... that gives al there
is to know
Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
32-495-300 620