how to create a logo to use on any website,and save in picture for



Hi, i want to create a logo that i can use on any website, so after i create
it i need save it as a jpg file in my pictures folder. Is this possible to do
with Microsoft publisher or any other Microsoft software.

Please Help.

JoAnn Paules

It can be done with just about any of the Office Programs. Personally, I'd
use a graphics program like Photoshop Elements but if I had to limit myself
to an Office program, I'd use Publisher.

Mary Sauer

Publisher has some drawing tools as well as WordArt. A simple logo can be
created in Publisher.
Select the logo, right-click, save as picture, there are various formats and
resolution choices.

Ed Bennett

morefeus said:
Hi, i want to create a logo that i can use on any website, so after i create
it i need save it as a jpg file in my pictures folder. Is this possible to do
with Microsoft publisher or any other Microsoft software.

A JPEG is probably the worst format you can conceivably create a logo
in. A good logo should be created in a vector format such as WMF, SVG or
EPS, and then converted as necessary to an appropriate web format. For
logos being used on the web, appropriate formats would be PNG or GIF.
JPEG is only really appropriate for photographic imagery.

Publisher could create a logo, but you'd be better off using a vector
graphics application such as Inkscape from


Ed Bennett said:
A JPEG is probably the worst format you can conceivably create a logo in.
A good logo should be created in a vector format such as WMF, SVG or EPS,
and then converted as necessary to an appropriate web format. For logos
being used on the web, appropriate formats would be PNG or GIF. JPEG is
only really appropriate for photographic imagery.

Publisher could create a logo, but you'd be better off using a vector
graphics application such as Inkscape from

I thought the person was asking how to save what was made in Publisher in
a jpg or other format (other whan Pub)
I don't know if there's a better way (so much to learn) but if I want to
save something I've made in Pub as a jpg or png or something I use Paint
Shop Pro "screen capture". On the Publisher page. Then crop the background
(from Pub) off around it.
Just have to remember to turn off show guidelines first.

Ed Bennett

Carrie said:
I don't know if there's a better way (so much to learn) but if I want to
save something I've made in Pub as a jpg or png or something I use Paint
Shop Pro "screen capture". On the Publisher page. Then crop the background
(from Pub) off around it.

This was the recommended procedure for Publisher 2000 and earlier (and
Publisher 2002 for graphics at resolutions other than 72dpi).
Right-click > Save As Picture has been the procedure since Publisher 2003.

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