how to create a new folder through a macro ??



hi guys..

i've a little problem i can't solve.

i want a macro to download some files from the web (work already done)
and save them inside a new folder to create at the moment.

the " root folder" is "downloaded files" and inside folders should be
named as:

"file" & " actual date" >>>>

file 31.12.05
file 01.01.06
file 02.01.06

etc etc

inside this folders i want to save my downloaded files day by day...

thanks and sorry for my english !

Leith Ross

Hello Furbiuzzu,

Dim FolderName As String
Dim FolderPath As String

FolderPath = "C:\Download Files\"
FolderName = "file" & Format(Now(), "")

MkDir FolderPath & FolderName

Leith Ross

Tom Ogilvy

On Error Resume Next
Mkdir "C:\downloaded files\file " & Format(date,"")
On Error goto 0

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