How to create a new set of objects?


Mr B

I want to make a visio set for laying out a control panel of an arcade game.
I want to create new items just as buttons, joysticks, etc so they can be
used to make a layout.

The items should not be resizable as I want to create them to scale.

Where do I start with this? I'm not sur eon the terminology in Visio to
know what I'm looking for.


Mr B

OK, I got that part figured out just by modifying a different set. But is
there a way to assign a PRICE to each object so that when you add it to the
sheet you are working on you could then calculate a total cost?

David P (Visio MVP)

You need to use custom properties on the master shape, and then use Tools /
Reports to sum costs for selection, page or document

Mr B

OK, I thnk I got that working. I had to group everything into one object for
each item and then apply the property.

Anyway, I see that when I run it I can choose it to save as a VIsio Object.
Is there any way to have that object always there and have it update
real-time as I add or remove things form my sheet?

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