How to create a table & form based on the result of several Combo



Hope someone can help

I have a form with about 50 combo boxes on it, Each combo has 5 rows which
categorize a fault on a vehicle, "O"; "X"; "/"; "A"; "N/A"
The user checks each component then enters (for instance) "X" to represent a
serious fault. The user then needs to write a description of the fault and
repair. Also each point that the user checks may have more than 1 faullt.
Rather than have a dedicated text box to enter the information for every
single combo box, Is it possible to check all the combo box values, then
automatically create a form that contains the correct number of text boxes to
enter the faults etc

Danny J. Lesandrini

I've never done it, but it may be possible to create a form on the fly. However,
I can't imagine a scenario where you would really need that. Regardless of how
many options your combo boxes present, the options are finite. If I understand
your question correctly, then the process would be like this ...

1) User makes selections from Form1 combos & saves values to a config table
2) When satisfied with selections, user clicks button to launch Form2
3) Form2 opens and displays controls based on selections in Form1

So, I'd build Form2 with ALL the controls necessary for any configuration and
simply show/hide based on the values in the config table.

Or am I not understanding what your trying to accomplish?


Thanks Danny, you were understanding correctly.
I thought it would be a simple answer, I was just looking for too complex a
solution. I'll do what you said it sounds perfect.

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