How to create a two paragraph TOC heading?



Using Word 2003, Win XP Pro.
I am writing a long document in which the Heading 1 style starts a new page
for each new chapter. I would like to use the same style, so it shows in my
table of contents, a couple of times in the document WITHOUT starting a new
page, so instead of the TOC saying
PART 1 Chapter 1
it will say
Chapter 1
I have worked out how to do this in the text using a manual line break, but
if I put a manual line break in the TOC it reverts to a single line of text
once the fields have been updated.


Ten years using Word, and I have now edited a field for the first time-
successfully, too! Goes to show you never stop learning. Thank you Suzanne
B, you are a champion!

Suzanne S. Barnhill

I can well understand your glee. The satisfaction you get from getting "down
and dirty" with fields is indeed exhilarating.

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