Rob Benz
I want to collect user input via a web form, then let the user press a button
and have a word.doc generated on the fly, containing the info that the user
input into the web form. A few of the fields in the user form would also
collect title, date, and a few other data points that would appear in the new
..doc's headers/footers.
The word.doc could be a Word 2003 .doc or a .docx; makes no diff. except if
one format is easier to create.
and have a word.doc generated on the fly, containing the info that the user
input into the web form. A few of the fields in the user form would also
collect title, date, and a few other data points that would appear in the new
..doc's headers/footers.
The word.doc could be a Word 2003 .doc or a .docx; makes no diff. except if
one format is easier to create.