How to create Access a multi-company Project



We use MS Project 2003 und Project Server 2003.
My company will work with 3 other companies by a Project. Every Company has
its all tasks. We want to create a enteprise project, which has ressources
from all 4 companies. I have a few Questions:
1- How can I create a Project Plan (The ressources of other companies are
not in my pool)
2-How can the other resources (from other companies) give their hours to
Project server? (What do I need for the communication (VPN?), How should I
define the other ressources in my pool (local)? )

Gary L. Chefetz [MVP]


This is no trivial question you're asking.<g> I'm not going to attempt to
answer all your questions because it would require a direct conversation to
be intelligible. With that said, download a copy of the Project Server
Installation Guide which describes how to put a second front-end on Project
Server for extranet use. This will get you through the platform
considerations. The how-tos for the rest of your issues really depends on
the requirements you're trying to meet. Without knowing these and fully
understanding your situation, it would be very easy to lead you down the
wrong path.

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