Scroll down to Macros.
Drag Custom Button to your Toolbar.
Right-click on the button and you have some options.
1. Name the button.
2. Assign macro.
3. Edit button image.
4. Change button image. You have a limited number of choices.
Download John Walkenbach's file Button Faces from here.
Any of these can be dragged to your toolbar and have a macro assigned.
Best method of assigning macros to buttons is to build the Toolbar when you open
the workbook and delete it when you close.
Do not make the changes to the existing toolbars.
See Debra Dalgleish's website for Dave Peterson help on building "on the fly"
toolbars and menus.
Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP
I am trying to make a menu in exel...
and I want buttons to click on to perform the macros I have made.
So how do I make a costumize button?
Click and drag to adjust the button... things like that...
Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP