How to create "Front Page"



I would like to like how to creat "Front Page" software in
my computer because I need to do my computing assignment.

JoAnn Amerson

Oh I don't think so! I am very much JoAnn. And who the heck is this
Vocational Idiot you are referring to? As for email addys, I have my usual
AOL account name and this hotmail one that I use to keep the crap out of my
AOL mailbox.

Can anyone clue me into who this moron is who seems to be positive that I am
someone else? And how did he post it under my name instead of his own? for a sex change. Don't think so. I've been female for almost 48
years. I'm not having my plumbing rearranged, nor do I desire to have it
done. Besides, my poor husband would be quite shocked!

The problem with resting on your laurels is that eventually you are sitting
on dead branches.



You can run, but you can't hide, Vocational Tech.
-----Original Message-----
Oh I don't think so! I am very much JoAnn. And who the heck is this
Vocational Idiot you are referring to? As for email addys, I have my usual
AOL account name and this hotmail one that I use to keep the crap out of my
AOL mailbox.

Can anyone clue me into who this moron is who seems to be positive that I am
someone else? And how did he post it under my name instead of his own? for a sex change. Don't think so. I've been female for almost 48
years. I'm not having my plumbing rearranged, nor do I desire to have it
done. Besides, my poor husband would be quite shocked!

The problem with resting on your laurels is that eventually you are sitting
on dead branches.



Vocátional & Technicál Edu®

Hi from Vocátional & Technicál Edu®

You can buy the software very cheap if you purchase the educational version.
Or, you can have a beta version for free -

The other two (2) JoAnn's are the (1) Real Jo Ann who is so simple minded
she has her tag line before her name and the rest of the world (6 billion)
has their tag line after their name.

The second (2) Jo Ann is a fake User Name, etc. that originates from near
Hoover, Alabama and he has had two (2) of his male components / parts
removed - which makes him a eunuch. He thinks he is a real (Microsoft MVP -
FrontPage) but is not - as he would never put his real name, email, address,
etc in a message.

Best regards,

Jeff Aldridge
225.205.7438 If any REAL men need to call and Vent or hope to get it off
your chest.
Vocátional & Technicál Edu®
New Orleans, Louisiana
(e-mail address removed)

The problem with resting on your laurels is that you are still posting under
numerous names, but apparently have had a sex change, or desire to have one.
You are not JoAnn, you are the idiot Vocational Tech or whatever the heck
you go by these days. Rumors have it your company kicked your butt for
posting from their email server under your original name, so you
came up with different aliases. Whatever the case, you have to be nuts.


If there is ever any doubt if like there is here about who's impersonating
who, CHECK the MESSAGE source, and HEADER. If you using a News Reader
program like Outlook Express, open the post, go to File | Properties | Click
the Details Tab and go from there.

Jm (Website Templates) (Brand New Free Forum)
Go Ahead, Check it out, after all, it's free!

JoAnn Amerson

You know, the ONLY reason I didn't change the position from the start was
because it really seemed to get your knickers twisted. That and the fact
that I couldn't find my copy of the "OFFICIAL WHERE TO PUT YOUR TAGLINE
HANDBOOK." I must have loaned it out to someone else. Anyone here have a
copy I can borrow?

The problem with resting on your laurels is that eventually you are sitting
on dead branches.


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