How to create gap btwn text and scrollbar?


Kim M.

Hi. I have a memo field/textbox with a fairly substantial amount of text
such that a vertical scrollbar is warranted. Problem is: text runs right up
to edge of scrollbar on right-hand side, which affects readability. How do I
create more of a gap between the right edge of text and vertical scrollbar?
I tried increasing the right margin, but this just pushes the scrollbar to
the left and leaves a big gap on the far side of it...
Kim M.

Dale_Fye via


Textboxes have a RightPadding property (on the Format tab of the Properties
dialog). Increase the value in that field.


Kim M.

Hi Dale,
I tried increasing the right padding, but it did not seem to have any
effect. The text still goes right up against the scroll bar.

Dale_Fye via

Did you try the RightMargin property (I've never used this)? That may only
be available in 2007 and it may have to do with the positioning of the
control on the form, not the text within the control.

Hi Dale,
I tried increasing the right padding, but it did not seem to have any
effect. The text still goes right up against the scroll bar.
[quoted text clipped - 12 lines]

JimBurke via

I have a textbox based on a memo field that requires a vertical scollbar but
mine leaves space on the right - I have no problem reading it no matter what
I type in. I have all 4 margins set to 0. Is that would you had originally?
I'm using Access 2000, but I wouldn't think that should matter. I have text
align set to general and am not using any special formatting. Maybe it's font-
related? I'm using MS Sans Serif with a font size of 8.

Kim M.

Same settings here. The text is readable -- in that the scrollbar does not
cover it up -- I just wanted more of a space betwen it and the text mainly
for aesthetic reasons.

So far, adjusting the right margin just bumps the scroll bar further to the
left, along with the text, so that doesn't work. And adjusting the padding
does not seem to have any effect on this at all.

Kim M.

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