How to Create LogOn / LogOff



I used the user based security wizard to set up users w/ passwords. I could
really use help with the following issues:

1) I need to create a form and routine for prompting the user to change
thier password from "NEW" to a strong password (i.e., Rsmart@6, at least one
letter capped, a minimum of 4 letters including the capped one, at least 1
number and at least one special character.)
2) Then I need a mechanism for prompting the user to change thier passwork
every 90 days.
3) Then I need a mechanism for auto log off after 5 min without activity.
I've looked into one solution that I think will work for me. But I need to
know the funtion or term to LogOff a user. Like, If TimerExpired Then
CurrentUser() LogOut. I know this is incorrect, that's why I come to the

Any help with this will be greatly appreciated.

Thank, Rob

John Smith

This may help you get going. It is called from a 'Change password' button on
a form with three fields: OldPassword, NewPassword and VerifyPassword.

The other essential feature is the table UserList which includes USERCODE,
that you need to check when the user enters the database. If the Expiry date
has passed direct them to the change password form instead of the usual menu
so that they can only change their password or leave the database.

Don't Print - Save trees

Function ChangePassword()
Dim CurrentForm As Form, Message As String, SQL As String, ThisUser As User
Dim Security As Recordset
Dim Charset(43) As Integer, ThisAsc As Integer, I As Integer
Dim HasLetter As Boolean, HasNumber As Boolean
On Error GoTo Error_Trap
Set CurrentForm = Screen.ActiveForm
Set ThisUser = DBEngine.Workspaces(0).Users(UCase$(CurrentUser))
HasNumber = False
HasLetter = False
Message = ""
For I = 1 To 26
Charset(I) = 0
Next I
With CurrentForm
If !NewPassword Like "*" & CurrentUser & "*" Then _
Message = "Your User Name cannot be your Password"
If CurrentUser Like "*" & CurrentForm!NewPassword & "*" Then _
Message = "Your User Name cannot be your Password"
If Nz(!VerifyPassword) = "" Or Nz(!NewPassword) = "" Then _
Message = "New Password and Verification must both be entered"
If !VerifyPassword <> !NewPassword Then _
Message = "New Password and Verification must be the same"
If !OldPassword = !NewPassword Then _
Message = "New Password must be different from Old Password"
If Len(Nz(!NewPassword)) < 5 Then _
Message = "New Password must be at least five characters"
For I = 1 To Len(Nz(!NewPassword))
ThisAsc = Asc(UCase$(Mid$(!NewPassword, I, 1))) - 47
If ThisAsc < 18 Then HasNumber = True
If ThisAsc > 17 Then HasLetter = True
Charset(ThisAsc) = Charset(ThisAsc) + 1
If Charset(ThisAsc) > 2 Then Message = "Too many letter repeats"
Next I
If Not HasNumber Then _
Message = Message & vbCrLf & "Password must be Alphanumberic"
If Not HasLetter Then _
Message = Message & vbCrLf & "Password must include letters"
SQL = "SELECT count(*) AS RowCount FROM UserList WHERE UserCode = '" _
& UCase$(CurrentUser) & "'" & " AND (UserName LIKE '*" & !NewPassword _
& "*' OR '" & !NewPassword & "' LIKE '*' & UserName & '*')"
End With
Set Security = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(SQL, DB_OPEN_SNAPSHOT)
If Security!RowCount > 0 Then Message = "Your Name cannot be your Password"

If Message = "" Then
ThisUser.NewPassword Nz(CurrentForm!OldPassword), CurrentForm!NewPassword
SQL = "UPDATE UserList SET PasswordChanged = #" & FormatDate(SysTime) _
& "#," & " PasswordExpires = #" & FormatDate(DateAdd("d", 90, SysTime))
& "#" _
& " WHERE UserCode = '" & UCase$(CurrentUser) & "'"
CurrentDb.Execute SQL, dbFailOnError
msgbox "Password Changed Successfully", vbInformation
DatabaseOpen "A" ' This function opens the database normally.
msgbox Message & CR() & "Password NOT changed", vbCritical, "Invalid Input"
End If

Set Security = Nothing
Set CurrentForm = Nothing
Set ThisUser = Nothing
Exit Function

If Err = 3033 Then
Message = "Old Password Incorrect"
Message = "Change password Error - " & GetDAOErrors & Error$
End If
Resume CheckChangePassword
End Function

Paul Nguyen

Hi Rob,
I haven't looked at John's example because I'm not that far yet...could
you help me how you have the users enter their password in the first place
without being able to modify anything in access? Thank you. Paul.

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