I have 3 different authors writing separate chapters for a report in
Word. They are each compiling their own endnote library and inserting
the citations into their Word docs. Ultimately, we want to compile the
3 different chapters into 1 document. However, we want to keep the
bibliographies separate (following each chapter) and not have Word
combine them into one at the very end.
Is this possible to do?
I apologize in advance if this question has already been answered, but
I cannot seem to find it in the archives. Thanks kindly.
Word. They are each compiling their own endnote library and inserting
the citations into their Word docs. Ultimately, we want to compile the
3 different chapters into 1 document. However, we want to keep the
bibliographies separate (following each chapter) and not have Word
combine them into one at the very end.
Is this possible to do?
I apologize in advance if this question has already been answered, but
I cannot seem to find it in the archives. Thanks kindly.