Hi Daniel --
Which enterprise fields are you expecting... enterprise project fields,
or enterprise text fields?
You can populate the enterprise project fields by sending another PDS
request (ProjectCodeValuesUpdate), but you cannot populate enterprise
task fields via PDS.
According to the Project Server 2003 PDS reference materials, the
ProjectCodeValuesUpdate PDS method does not update enterprise task
custom fields or outline codes; updating task custom fields and outline
codes requires a PDS extension. One way that I've gotten around this in
the past is by storing enterprise task field values in the Notes field
for each task in the project schedule template, then providing a macro
that the user can execute after the new project schedule has been
created for them. This macro copies the values from each task's Notes
field into the appropriate enterprise task field, then it clears out
the Notes field so that the user can use the Notes field normally.
Good luck!
Tony Zink