How to create Style with Picture bullet



I am using Word 2003 and I would like to create a Style, containing a table
of two columns. The first column should contain a picture and the second
column text. I tried to creat this style with bulleting format but then the
text is not aligned accordingly. Using Table does not help either as the
picture bullet will not show.

How can I create this Style so that it contains a picture bullet or at least
the picture on the left hand side and the text aligned to the right of the
picture. The picture bullet should not show in the first line but be aligned
centred to the text.

Any ideas?



Suzanne S. Barnhill

You had me up to the point where you said the picture bullet should be
centered. At that point, it's not really a bullet. It also doesn't jibe with
your description of trying to use a two-column table (which would assume a
picture bullet on the left).

You can assign a picture bullet to any paragraph and save that formatting as
a style. Or you can modify an already bulleted style (such as List Bullet)
to use a picture bullet. Both of these actions are pretty straightforward,
so I'm assuming you must be trying to accomplish something more complex.
Please post back with more details.

No matter how you create the style, it can be used in a table, but only in a
single column; if you want the picture in one column and the text in
another, then that's another kettle of fish. And if you're trying to create
a table style, you can't define paragraph styles within the table.


Hi Suzanne,

thanks for your reply. I only try to use a table because it is the only way
how I can insert the picture not in the first line of the text but in the
centre as below:

Picture Text

The picture bullet shows the picture in the first line like:

Picture Text
single column; if you want the picture in one column and the text in
another, then that's another kettle of fish.

Yes, that is what I want unless there is another way how I can create the
first sample shown above.


Suzanne S. Barnhill

Ah, you want it centered vertically. That makes more sense. No, there's no
way to define a style to do that, but you can do it with a table if you set
the vertical alignment for both cells to Center.


Well, this is what I did but I don't know how to create this Style as a Table
Style with one column containintg a picture and the other text.

I use AutoText to get around this problem.

Thanks for your input.



Suzanne S. Barnhill

Table styles cannot include paragraph styles, nor, I think can they include
vertical alignment in the rows/cells.

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