How to create the range between two field codes?


Robin Tucker

Consider the following field codes:


Some text
Maybe an image


How is it possible for me to create a range starting from the end of the
section_start mergefield and end at the section_end merge field start?

At present, I'm writing the following:

Dim theRange As Word.Range

theRange.Start = theFirstField.Result.End + 1
theRange.End = theSecondField.Result.Start - 1

However, it always seems that the range contains the second field code. All
I want is the stuff inbetween, NOT including the field codes.

Thanks for any tips you can give me on this,


Robin Tucker

Something like this seemed to work in the end:

theRange = theFirstField.Result
theRange.MoveStart(Word.WdUnits.wdParagraph, 1)
theRange.End = theSecondField.Result.End
theRange.MoveEnd(Word.WdUnits.wdParagraph, -1)

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