How to customize Ribbon Toolbar in Outlook & Word 2007 Beta 2?

  • Thread starter Dr Ken Brown-Gratchev
  • Start date

Dr Ken Brown-Gratchev

Anyone know or have suggestions on how to customize which items & the number
of items displayed in the Ribbon Toolbar in Outlook and in Word, 2007 Beta 2?

Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

Except for the Quick Access Toolbar at the top, which can be customized by right-clicking it.

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

and Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers

Dr Ken Brown-Gratchev

Thanks to both for suggestions/input. I'll try testing out the tech
suggested routes.
XP ProSP2; IntelP4 3.2GHz Dual-Core; 2GB RAM; 186GB HD; ATI AIW X1800XL; SB
XFi Plat; IE7Beta; OfficePro+2007Beta; WMP11Beta; Win OneCare/DefenderBetas.
All latest drivers, bios, updates, & patches.

Sue Mosher said:
Except for the Quick Access Toolbar at the top, which can be customized by right-clicking it.

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

and Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers

Roady said:
AFAIK; Only programmatically;

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]
Coauthor, Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003
Outlook FAQ, HowTo, Downloads, Add-Ins and more


Also, even through RibbonX and programming the ability to customize the
Ribbon is severely limited.


Patrick Schmid

Nah ;)
Severely limited is too strong....there are lots of workarounds to
customize it any way you want.

Patrick Schmid

Also, even through RibbonX and programming the ability to customize the
Ribbon is severely limited.


Roady said:
AFAIK; Only programmatically;

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]
Coauthor, Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003
Outlook FAQ, HowTo, Downloads, Add-Ins and more

Anyone know or have suggestions on how to customize which items & the
of items displayed in the Ribbon Toolbar in Outlook and in Word, 2007 Beta
XP ProSP2; IntelP4 3.2GHz Dual-Core; 2GB RAM; 186GB HD; ATI AIW X1800XL;
XFi Plat; IE7Beta; OfficePro+2007Beta; WMP11Beta; Win
All latest drivers, bios, updates, & patches.

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

I wouldn't say that. If you want your own button next to Send you can't do

There are a number of other things you can do with the CommandBars interface
that you can't even approach with the RibbonX interface.

Patrick Schmid

It's possible to put a button next to the Send button, but not the best
style as you'd have to hide the MS group and recreate a new one that has
the Send button and your own one.

Patrick Schmid

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

You can't add it next to the MS group, you have to completely replace that
group with your own, as you said. That's a major limitation and a major step
back from where we were before the ribbon.

Patrick Schmid

What do you mean with you can't add it next to the group? It should be
no problem to create a new group next to the Send group. If that doesn't
work, it is a bug.
If you meant next to the button, then I agree.

Patrick Schmid

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

Next to the button.

I don't want to have to capture every ribbon control from a built-in group,
replicate the group and not know where my custom group is going to end up if
other code adds new groups just to be able to place one lousy button where I
want it. Especially since we can't enumerate the built-in controls.

And in email where Send is going to be in all or most groups you'd basically
have to replace every built-in group so you could be sure that the custom
button would show up wherever you needed it.

I just think the decisions made about the ribbon take us a major step back
in usability for coders from where we were before. There are a few nice
things about the ribbon from my perspective, but not enough of them to
overcome the new limitations we have to live with. And the fact that I have
to use Implements to handle the ribbon instead of an object model means my
VB6 addins can't use one addin for all versions from Outlook 2000 and up.
Now I have to maintain separate versions of an addin for Outlook 2000 - 2003
and Outlook 2007.

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