How to delete an input mask?



In the process of learning Access, I customized many of the default
input masks and added many that I will never use. Can someone tell me
how to restore the input masks to the way they were originally, or how
to delete custom input masks?

I'm using Access 2003 with Windows Vista. There are no *.mdt files
anywhere on my C: drive.


In my original message, I should have said that I have no ACWZUSRT.MDT
file on my c: drive. I do, however, have an ACWZUSR.MDT file. That
database does not contain an im_TblInputMask table. Nor does it
contain any table that has anything to do with input masks.

Duane Hookom

I'm using A2003 on Windows XP and found the table im_TblInputMask in the file
C:\Documents and Settings\....\Application Data\Microsoft\Access\ACWZUSRT.MDT

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