how to delete or move captions for tables & figures



dear all,

office 2003 sp2 and xp pro sp2,

i have some 300+ page document with tables and figures. i've used 'caption'
function to captioned the tables and figures, and used cross-reference to
hyperlink these tables and figures citations within the text to the actual
tables and figures themselves, which may be some pages away.

i was under the impression (perhaps falsely) that if i moved or deleted any
tables or figures the numbering of the remaining tables and figures would
re-jig themselves automatically. but that didn't seem to happen. i have moved
a couple of figures (the actual figures themselves, not their citations in
the text) yet the numbering stayed the same i.e. they are out of sequence.

what i have done is to then manually delete the cross-reference entries that
hyperlinked to these figures, delete the captioning on the actual figures and
re-apply captioning and cross-referencing. this seems to be rather tedious
and counter-productive for a supposedly productivity enhancing tools so i
think i may not be doing something right.

would appreciate help and advice:

1. am i doing it right in handling moving and deleting?
2. if not how can i be done correctly?
3. when i do ctrl and click on the hyperlink, the action takes me to the
linked tables/figures, what can i do to go back to the page that contain the
hyperlink that i just clicked on (short of having to remember the page, then
using goto page option)?

thanks for your help,

Margaret Aldis

Your Qs 1&2 - almost certainly the only thing you have "done wrong" is that
you haven't updated fields - cross references don't update automatically.
Edit > Select all and F9 to update fields.

Your Q 3 - the Web toolbar Back button will take you back, or you could use
Shift-F5 to go back to last cursor position.


thanks for the tips, select all and update fields using F9 works. i just have
one comment and one question.

the only thing that is a little bit strange was the shift+F5 to go back.
when i pressed shift+F5 once, it advances the cursor some spaces forward. if
i then press the shift+F5 again, i am back to where i was at before i did
Ctrl+click. otherwise shift+F5 seems to be what i am looking for unless:

one question:
how can i get just the web toolbar back button (but not the rest that appear
when i chosse View -> Toolbars -> Web) to be displayed on my word toolbar?

so that i can use this as an alternative to (shift+F5) x2.


Suzanne S. Barnhill

Shift+F5 cycles through the last three edit points. If you've moved the
insertion point even a few characters while editing, then Shift+F5 is not
going to be helpful in getting back where you ultimately started.

With the Tools | Customize dialog open and the Web toolbar displayed, you
can Ctrl+drag to copy the Back button to any other toolbar.

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