How to determine if an entire table row is selected (Word)?

  • Thread starter ArchieD via
  • Start date

ArchieD via

Hi all

Can anyone tell me how to determine if an entire row in a Word table is
selected, please? I can establish that the cursor is within a table & what
the row number is but I cannot work out how to tell it is selected :-( I'm
sure it's something v. simple that I am just trying to make complicated.

Thanks for any help.



Actually not so simple. You could compare the selection with the row: this
works provided the table is uniform. Something like --

if selection = selection.tables(1).rows(selection.cells(1).rowindex).range
then ..

What are you doing that it matters?

Art H

Hi ArchieD,

See if this works for you--it works for me on Word 2000.

If Selection.Type = wdSelectionRow Then


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