Joerg Mochikun
I need to determine the order of row fields in any given pivot table.
Problem: I don't know how.
For an example please refer to http://www.cpearson.com/excel/pivots.htm on
C.Pearson's site.
Database fields: Who Week What Amount. The example pivot table has 3 row
fields:Who Week What.
I can address the row fields:
ActiveSheet.PivotTables(1).RowFields(1).name => Who
ActiveSheet.PivotTables(1).RowFields(2).name => Week
ActiveSheet.PivotTables(1).RowFields(3).name => What
I found that the indexes of RowFields are NOT determined by the order in
which the row fields appear in the pivot table, but rather by the order of
their appearance in the database. So when I switch the row fields in the
pivot table to What Week Who, the leftmost row field in the resulting pivot
table (What) must still be referred to as RowFields(3), not RowFields(1).
As a user can freely rearrange row fields of a pivot table, is there any
method to determine the actual order of these fields?
Thanks for any suggestion
Joerg Mochikun
Problem: I don't know how.
For an example please refer to http://www.cpearson.com/excel/pivots.htm on
C.Pearson's site.
Database fields: Who Week What Amount. The example pivot table has 3 row
fields:Who Week What.
I can address the row fields:
ActiveSheet.PivotTables(1).RowFields(1).name => Who
ActiveSheet.PivotTables(1).RowFields(2).name => Week
ActiveSheet.PivotTables(1).RowFields(3).name => What
I found that the indexes of RowFields are NOT determined by the order in
which the row fields appear in the pivot table, but rather by the order of
their appearance in the database. So when I switch the row fields in the
pivot table to What Week Who, the leftmost row field in the resulting pivot
table (What) must still be referred to as RowFields(3), not RowFields(1).
As a user can freely rearrange row fields of a pivot table, is there any
method to determine the actual order of these fields?
Thanks for any suggestion
Joerg Mochikun