how to determine original crtical path once project is complete



Try as I might I cannot seem to re-create the critical path of an already
completed project. I understand how the critical path is determined so it
makes sense that once all tasks are 100% complete there is no critical path.
I even tried saving a copy of the project file, changing all tasks to 0%
complete figuring that would do it, but no luck.

I'm running MS Project Pro 2002. Any ideas? We want to recreate the
original critical path for a lessons learned session. Thanks.


Gérard Ducouret

Hello Greg,
You are on the right way but you have to delete all the Actual Start and may
be the Actual Finish too.
The most efficient way is to insert these 2 fields : Insert / Columns... and
to erase their content.

Tell us if it helps,

Gérard Ducouret

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