How to determine the pcs on the LAN



I need a code to identify the name and ip addresses of the
computers on the LAN. I will use the code in a MS Access
Module. I need to identify which computers belong to the
workgroup in which the local computer also belongs to. I
should be able to determine their computer names and ip

please help me.

Alex Ivanov

The simpliest solution that may work for you (not the best one)
shell "net view >tmpfile.txt"
'wait a second loop here
open "tmpfile.txt" for input as #1
while not eof(1)
'parse the file line by line

Other options include using Windows API or WMI, but I don't have any readily
available samples.
Search Google and you should find some links, ie it's related to domains, but might
work with workgroups also
should list both.


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