How to disable a macro


Jeff Smith

I have a spreadsheet virtrually entirely run by macros activated by control
box buttons.

There is a dialog of User name and Password and if there is a match the user
name and position is shown in cells Main!D11 and D12 (respectiviely). The
user name is "picked-up " and added to all printed reports.

I would like to disable the macro if the UserName is "Unauthorised User".

I was wondering if I could insert - at the start of each macro , prior to
the controlled actions, something like....

If Main!D12 = "Unauthorised User" End Sub

I plan to paste the routine prior to all macros.

Can anyone help me here please?

Thanks in anticipation,


Jeff Smith

Bill Manville

Jeff said:
I was wondering if I could insert - at the start of each macro , prior to
the controlled actions, something like....

If Main!D12 = "Unauthorised User" End Sub

If Sheets("Main").Range("D12") = "Unauthorised User" Then Exit Sub

Bill Manville
MVP - Microsoft Excel, Oxford, England
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