FP is correcting malformed html (nested p tags w/o p tag terminators)
- after you paste in code view right click & select reformat html to see what it will do to correct your malformed html code on file

anel ...>


ropDownList ...></asp.DropDownList></p>

ropDownList ...></asp.DropDownList></p>
<p><asp:CheckBox .../></p>
<p><asp:Button .../></p>
If you don't want anything changed
(inspite of the code you have being malformed)
Wrap your code snippet with
<!--webbot bot="HTMLMarkup" startspan -->
<!--webbot bot="HTMLMarkup" endspan -->
Same as using Insert Web Component Advanced Html from Design view
SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
"Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;
To find the best Newsgroup for FrontPage support see:
| Stefan,
| Thanks up front for your responding to my post. What follows may be a bit
| long winded, if so, I apologize.
| Actually in this case FP 2003 is inserting one <p> tab and removing two.
| The code I’m using is the Panel Class example given in the Framework 2.0 SDK
| Documentation. It can be found via .Net Framework SDK | Class Library |
| System.Web.UI.WebControls | Panel Class. The example code programmatically
| generates or hides (based on user input) from 0 to 4 Labels and/or TextBoxes.
| When the code is copied and pasted into a Notepad file, stored in a web
| folder, and opened with FP into a code window, I observe that the following:
| 1- The original code has 4 <p> tags and 1 <br> tags near the end of the text
| file organized as follows:
| <Form>
| <asp

anel ...>
| text
| <p>
| </asp

| <p>
| text
| <asp

ropDownList ...>
| ...asp:ListItems...
| </asp.DropDownList>
| <br>
| text
| <asp

ropDownList ...>
| ...asp:ListItems...
| </asp.DropDownList>
| <p>
| <asp:CheckBox .../>
| <p>
| <asp:Button .../>
| </Form>
| 2- After loading into a FP code window, the above code displays as:
| <Form>
| <asp

anel ...>
| text
| <p>
| </asp

| <p>
| Text 1
| <asp

ropDownList ...>
| ...asp:ListItems...
| </asp.DropDownList>
| <br>
| Text 2
| <asp

ropDownList ...>
| ...asp:ListItems...
| </asp.DropDownList>
| <p> <- REMOVED BY FP
| <asp:CheckBox .../>
| <p> <- REMOVED BY FP
| <asp:Button .../>
| </Form>
| 3- If the code is previewed (in IE 6) before it is saved in its altered form
| (btw, no asterisk is appended to the end of the file name on the code view
| tab even though it is altered), it appears that the unaltered version of the
| code is still used. That is, Text 1 and its associated DropDownList, Text 2
| and its associated DropDownList, the CheckBox, and Button are all displayed
| on separate lines.
| 4- After the code is saved, the changes noted above take effect. That is,
| Text 1 and its associated DropDownList appear on one line, the remaining Text
| 2, its associated DropDownList, the CheckBox, and Button all appear on one
| line with extra blank lines between it and the line above.
| 5- I can’t find a FP control that turns off this type of formatting. It
| works fine if FP doesn’t intervene, so I question the usefulness of the
| autoformatting in this case.
| Interestingly, Jim Buyens, in his book, Mircosoft Office FrontPage 2003
| (page 65) makes the comment: “People who create code by hand – whether HTML
| or some other language – are usually fastidious about it. Even if the browser
| doesn’t care about capitalization, line endings, and indentation, human
| beings do. As a result, FrontPage is very careful not to reformat or
| oherwise (sic) change your code.†While Jim may not be referring to the
| alteration webcontrols here, it seems to me this is as bad if not worse,
| since I seem not to be able to override the changes being made by FP that
| appear on the webpage.
| "Stefan B Rusynko" wrote:
| > Inserts <p> tags when and where?
| > - only when you hit the return key
| >
| > Code formatting has nothing to do w/ it
| > --
| >
| > _____________________________________________
| > SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
| > "Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;
| > To find the best Newsgroup for FrontPage support see:
| >
| > _____________________________________________
| >
| >
| > |I recently started using FrontPage 2003 SP2, which wants to insert <p> tags
| > | such that it alters the intended layout of the web controls on the page I’m
| > | creating. Attempts to disable autoformatting via "tools|page options|code
| > | formatting" has been unsuccessful.
| > | Can autoformatting be turned off? If so, how? Alternatively, is their a
| > | fix for this problem?
| > |
| >
| >
| >