How to Disable Keyboard Shortcuts



Alright, after hours of searching on various search engines, I can't find a
way to disable keyboard shortcuts programmatically in Word 2007.

Does anyone have a link to a guide or can anyone give me a brief way to do
so? The custom Add-in we're building hides features but these features are
still available with keyboard shortcuts.


Cindy M.

Hi =?Utf-8?B?V2ViTWFzdGVyUA==?=,
Alright, after hours of searching on various search engines, I can't find a
way to disable keyboard shortcuts programmatically in Word 2007.

Does anyone have a link to a guide or can anyone give me a brief way to do
so? The custom Add-in we're building hides features but these features are
still available with keyboard shortcuts.
As far as the traditional keyboard shortcuts go (Ctl+B for bold, for example),
you're talking about the KeyBindings collection of the Application object.
You'd have to specify each keybinding and disable it.

NOTE: be VERY careful about setting the CustomizationContext in which this
takes place. I don't think you want to disable these permanently for the
entire Word installation!

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland (last update Jun 17 2005)

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