How to disable the spelling check ?



Hi all.
I would like to disable the spelling check in ON2003. I never use spelling
and grammar check in any office products and always disable the option, but I
didn't find the option in ON. It seems (at first sight) it is impossible to
disable it.
So I always have to activate the spelling review (F7) and click ignore
ignore ignore 100 times. Tiring.

Any trick ? Thx !

Ben M. Schorr - MVP Outlook/OneNote

Hi all.
I would like to disable the spelling check in ON2003. I never use
spelling and grammar check in any office products and always disable
the option, but I didn't find the option in ON. It seems (at first
sight) it is impossible to disable it.
So I always have to activate the spelling review (F7) and click ignore
ignore ignore 100 times. Tiring.

Any trick ? Thx !

Tools | AutoCorrect Options?


Ben M. Schorr, OneNote-MVP
Stockholm Consulting Group/KSG
Microsoft OneNote FAQ:

**I apologize but I am unable to respond to direct requests for assistance.
Please post questions and replies here in the newsgroup. Mahalo!


Tried it. But no. It keep underlining with "snake line" the spelling
mistakes., which is what I want to remove.

K A Visser

Anna said:
Tried it. But no. It keep underlining with "snake line" the spelling
mistakes., which is what I want to remove.

Tools | Options |Spelling and then check the "Hide Spelling Errors"
should do it.



Yes !
My mistake. Usually you have to uncheck the tickbox in Office to disable
spelling check. This time have to tick.

Thanks again !

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