how to display a gif or jpg picture in a form?




I use version 2003. I can put a gif or jpg pictre into a OLE field, but when
making a form, i only see a pictogram and not the picture itself.
How vcan i do that?


You need to set the OLE object's "type"

Go to the form and open in disign
Click the OLE object and open Properties
Go to Data
Click Display Type
Use dropdown to select Content (you will have icon selected at the moment)

Notes. Make sure the OLE is Bound

Hope this helps



Open the table which contains the details
If you have not done so create a field (set field properties is OLE Object)
Save the table
View the table
Right click the (OLE object field)
Insert Object
Select Create from File (you should have already saved the picture)
Ensure that the Display As Icon is NOT selected
Browse to the picture and select it.

The picture will be saved and inserted onto the form.

Note ensure that (if possible) you create the picture to the right size as
the OLE Box on the form as it makes things much easier

Alison Arulia

It Works!
Thank you for your answer (that even I, as a novice, can understand)



I did all you said but it doesn't work to me. It still displays a pictogram
in the form. When doubleclicking, the picture is shown in a windows image
view. In the table, i can see "pakket" and also when doubleclicking, i can
see the picture.
There must be something else.


Hi Ben

There are a number of things you can do to at least ensure the picture is

1. Click the OLE/Picture and ensure that the control source is shown as the
field in the table (there is a drop down for this).
2. Ensure that the programme that created (and stored - eg. Correl, Adobe)
the picture is not running with a dialog box open as this will freeze the link
3. If you still see an icon - open the form in design view and go to the
record. Click the Icon. On the edit menu click Convert and uncheck the
display as an icon.
4. Make sure the OLE Type Allowed (properties,data) is set to either (not

Hope this helps is not let me know and will try a few other ideas


If all else fails - try and reload the picture

Click the picture Box (OLE) and change the data type to ICON by click the
Display Type drop down in properties (keep the properties box open and click
Save (or File/Save)
Close the properties box.
Click the picture box (OLE)
Click Insert (top of the screen)-select object.
When you selected the file double click OK
The box will show an icon
Click Record (top of the screen) or simply shift/enter
The icon will change to the picture


Hi thanks but ...still nothing.
When i click in the table and in the form, windows-viewer is started and i
can see the picture ...
I must confess, i don't know how the jpg file were made.

I changed the map options into MS Paint, and now, it's ms paint which starts
the pictures ...


Ohoooo - got it now.

You need to convert the picture to a bitmap

You really to have a graphics package for this but (if the worst comes to
the worst) you can always use the export facility in Windows Picture Viewer.

I assume you have not got a graphics package so-
Go to My Pictures and right click the picture - select open with Microsoft
Office Picture Manager.
File / Export
Select Export Picture with this Format
Select Windows Bitmap BMP.
Then load picture as described

This has GOT to work

Bob in AZ

Have you been successful yet? I am experiencing the same problem.. Have
followed Wayne's directions in the thread without success. Darn it.

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