How to display last completed task


Pierre M

I have created a dashboard that diplays 'lights' for the summary task of a
large number of projects on PWA. Now I need to display the last completed
task so that the Exec can have an idea of how far the project is along the
standard WBS. Is there a formula or function that can identify the last/most
recent completed task?

Rick Roszko

Why don't you use the track gantt view on the Project Center page and the
Project page? Of course, your projects need to have been baselined but I
assume they have? It will exactly show how far the project is, but it won't
show which the last task is.

And I don't think there can be any formula you can use to show what the last
task is. Projects usually aren't linear (many branching or parallel tasks or
group of tasks) so to determine "what the current task is" won't be apparant.

If this is not what you were looking for as an answer, please repost. Thanks.

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