How to distribute updated code of a addin to users?



I have a addin used by several users. One of the sheet in addin is
used for recording data.
Now I have added some more functions and want to distribute the same
to users.
I can not ask users to just replace addin file coz it will affect the
existing records.
Also only one or two module is updated and rest of the module and
forms are same.
Problem here is that users are not experts and may goofeup.

Is there any way I can do it automatically?
Or any other better way?



Hi Madiya,

One way would be to write some code in another book that updates the
code in your addin. You could then just assign that to the
Workbook_Open event of the new book so that all you have to do is send
it to the users, they open it and close it and all is done. Actually
you could also make it close itself even (remember to programatically
save the addin).

info can be found here:



Just another note...

If you do go down this path, be aware that all installations of Office
since 97 (I think) will ban this by default, so you would have to also
provide users with instructions on how to temporarily disable the
security and then re-enable it (it would be a major security risk if
left open).

See this KB article for more info:


Bob Phillips

You have made the cardinal sin, you have merged the business logic and the
data into a single workbook. You should separate them, then any updates to
your addin are easily implemented.

I would suggest that you bite the bullet, break the application up, and
visit every user and break the data out. It will be time consuming to start,
but it will pay dividends in the future.



(there's no email, no snail mail, but somewhere should be gmail in my addy)

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