How to do a scatter plot with a 3-D visual effect?


Dan UCI Med

I want to do a "Scatter plot with data points connected by lines" (under "X-Y
(Scatter Charts)") but with a 3-D visual effect like can be done in "3-D
Line" under Line charts.

this would allow a user to create something like a 3-d model of any object.
they allow the option for line charts, and i don't see the same thing for
scatter charts. seems like it would be very helpful, especially for what i
am doing, but for lots of other people too. any suggestions?


Jon Peltier

Dan -

The option for Line Charts is a false third axis, which adds nothing the the
information in the chart, but enhances the potential for misleading the audience.

You're looking for a 3D scatter chart, which doesn't exist in Excel, particularly
not with the capability to make a wire-frame model. There are a few simple
workaround examples, notably Andy Pope ( and I think Fernando
Cinquegrani (

- Jon
Jon Peltier, Microsoft Excel MVP
Peltier Technical Services
Tutorials and Custom Solutions

Dan UCI Med

the false third axis is fine in my case because the information being shown
is taken from cross sectional cuts that were made at equidistant depths.

i looked at the stuff before posting. it is interesting, but
only provides points in 3d space. i would liketo have lines connecting them
to give a wireframe effect.

i did not find one of the Cinquegrani examples that looked like it would
work. since i am trying to make a rough outline of my shapes (made up of x
and y coordinate data) and show how they change from depth to depth, can you
point me toward a style that might best serve my needs?

i may be better served by trying to use a 3d modeling program, i guess, but
the 3D visual effect in a scatter plot would have been perfect considering
that the information was taken at equal intervals.



Andy Pope

Hi Dan,

Whilst my example shows points these points can be connected by lines.
You need to turn the line border on, double click the points and apply
border. This will also mean you need to consider the layout of your data
more carefully otherwise the dots and lines will just be a scrambled mess.


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