How to do Captions using SQL?


Bill Mitchell


I use captions a lot in my query grids because I can use
the same caption on multiple rows. However, when I try
to use the SQL in my code instead of the query,
the "captions" part doesn't seem to carry over.

Can we use captions in our SQL and if so, what is the



Greg Kraushaar

I question the wisdom of using the same caption for multiple columns
The caption is used to define what the column is about. If the columns
mean the same thing, why do you have multiple columns
dim qdf as querydef
dim fld as field

strCaption = qdf.fld.Properties("Caption")

It will break if the caption has NOT been set. As the property does
not exist. You will need to trap for this error.

Regards Greg Kraushaar
Wentworth Falls Australia
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