How to do LIVE Video Feed



Hey everyone!

I am trying to put a Video Feed on several of my sites that I made so far. I
like to know how to do this on Expression Web? Any clues?

Tom [Pepper] Willett

You should post in the Expression Web newsgroup.
Tom [Pepper] Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
FrontPage Support:
| Hey everyone!
| I am trying to put a Video Feed on several of my sites that I made so far.
| like to know how to do this on Expression Web? Any clues?


For video feed, you need to talk to your hosting co. because of the upload

Mike Mueller

First things first- Expression Web questions should be sent to the
Expression Web NG

Putting a live feed onto a webpage is the same process as placing any other
media element, using the <object> tag


True live streaming video is not done with a Web Server, it is served by a
media server. It could be Windows Media Server, Darwin, QuickTime Server,
amongst others. That is where most of the work will need to be done


You can get a WebCams working like this:

1) A program to continuously FTP the captured image to your web site.

2) A way of causing the image on your web page to refresh when the
image is updated.

To refresh the image you could use a META REFRESH tag. To do that you insert
the following code into your HTML in Code View.

This line must be put between <head> and </head>

Also, you need <IMG SRC="mypic.jpg">
where mypic is the name of the file that you continuously upload.

As far as using it in FP just create a subweb (not to be opened in FP) that
you can FTP connect to w/ your webcam (or video cam)

You also might want to look at webcam feed assist software like at; or the ones mentioned by Mike: Windows Media
Server, Darwin, QuickTime Server...

George McTurk

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