Shea said:
How do you draw an archery bulls eye as biig as possible? I plan on taking
it to have it copied at a larger capacity.
Exact procedures might vary depending on which version of Office/Word
you have. I have a pretty old version, but I suspect more recent
versions are somewhat similar. If you respond with your version number
someone with the same version might be able to offer an updated procedure.
If it's not visible already, activate the Drawing tool bar (look for a
"Toolbars" flyout on the "View" menu).
Click the oval on the drawing tool bar.
Hold down one of the shift keys while you draw several Ovals. The shift
key constrains to oval to a circle. IF you need to adjust the size of a
circle after releasing the mouse button drag the corner "handle" (the
little square) outside the circle, again while holding the shift key to
constrain the oval to a circle. It's easier to start with the biggest
circle, but if you don't, look on the draw menu for an "order" fly out
that you can use to send circles backwards and forward in the "stack".
Use the fill icon to make the circles alternate dark and light colors
(In order of size) as you create them. If you want to change the
circle's outline color use the pen nib "Line color" icon.
Click the hollow "Select objects" arrow icon on the drawing tool bar
then select all the circles (drag the arrow the same way you do to
select a group of icons in Windows Explorer)
Use "Align or distribute" to align the circles vertically and horizontally.