How to Draw chart by VBA using Record Set



I am devolping an excel sheet which takes the data from
the database,for that data i have to draw a chart i con't
select the area directly so i wan't to draw it by using
recordset plz help me..

Thank you

With Regards

Tushar Mehta

Have you considered turning on the macro recorder (Tools | Macro >
Record new macro...), doing whatever it is you want to do, and turning
off the recorder. Depending on exactly what it is you are trying to
do, XL may give you the necessary starter code.


Tushar Mehta
Excel, PowerPoint, and VBA add-ins, tutorials
Custom MS Office productivity solutions

Jon Peltier

Rajesh -

The easiest way to accomplish this may be to put the data from the
recordset into the worksheet, and plot this range.

- Jon

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