Kevin McCartney
Is there a way to link one drawingobject text box content to another
drawingobject text box in a different workbook file? I've managed to do it
using Form Text Boxes using the LinkedCell property but my boss wants to keep
the different formats of text that are contained in the current drawingobject
text box, (in that there’s lots of text in the text box with headers that are
in bold, which a Form text box can't do).
I've looked at using
worksheet(report).drawingobjects("Commentary 1") =
worksheet(source1).drawingobjects("Commentary 1").value
The thing is that will this keep the format of the text and how can I loop
through all the text boxes on each sheet within the workbook?
Just some backgroud, the Text boxes in all source workbooks have the same
sheet name and text box name that is in the one report. Each workbook coming
in have different sheet names, e.g. the German workbook file contains
Germany, the UK workbook contains UK, the report workbook contains Germany
and UK, so as you can see I want to be able to take all workbooks in a folder
(Application.FileSearch etc etc), process them one by one, take all the
comments in their sheet and add them to the report sheet comments, and no I
can't import the sheet in the workbook coming from each country/location
since the management report is a different layout and overview in that some
comments for some countries/locations are to amended together.
Is there a way to link one drawingobject text box content to another
drawingobject text box in a different workbook file? I've managed to do it
using Form Text Boxes using the LinkedCell property but my boss wants to keep
the different formats of text that are contained in the current drawingobject
text box, (in that there’s lots of text in the text box with headers that are
in bold, which a Form text box can't do).
I've looked at using
worksheet(report).drawingobjects("Commentary 1") =
worksheet(source1).drawingobjects("Commentary 1").value
The thing is that will this keep the format of the text and how can I loop
through all the text boxes on each sheet within the workbook?
Just some backgroud, the Text boxes in all source workbooks have the same
sheet name and text box name that is in the one report. Each workbook coming
in have different sheet names, e.g. the German workbook file contains
Germany, the UK workbook contains UK, the report workbook contains Germany
and UK, so as you can see I want to be able to take all workbooks in a folder
(Application.FileSearch etc etc), process them one by one, take all the
comments in their sheet and add them to the report sheet comments, and no I
can't import the sheet in the workbook coming from each country/location
since the management report is a different layout and overview in that some
comments for some countries/locations are to amended together.