Hi, I'm using Access 2000, here's line used to eliminate blank line:
=IIf(Len([BillingAddress2])=0,"",Trim([City] & (", "+[State]+" ") &
IIf(Len([Zip])>5,Left([Zip],5) & "-" & Mid([Zip],6),[Zip]))).
If billingaddress2 is blank it's necessary to move City, State, Zip up one
line. This work great when it's blank. But when not blank it moves City,
State, Zip up anyway and clobbers BillingAddress2. What am I doing wrong?
Thank, JIM
=IIf(Len([BillingAddress2])=0,"",Trim([City] & (", "+[State]+" ") &
IIf(Len([Zip])>5,Left([Zip],5) & "-" & Mid([Zip],6),[Zip]))).
If billingaddress2 is blank it's necessary to move City, State, Zip up one
line. This work great when it's blank. But when not blank it moves City,
State, Zip up anyway and clobbers BillingAddress2. What am I doing wrong?
Thank, JIM