How to email a file to the recipient only and not the CC's?



I have tried to email files to people and in the same email I sometimes CC
several others. However I wanted the actual files to be sent to the primary
recipient and not the CC's. How can I ensure that the email and file will
reach the recipient but only the email, without any attachments, will reach
the CC's?

K. Orland

Email the CC's separately. What is in the email sent to the intended
recipient is exactly what goes to who is copied on that mail.


That is what i'm currently doing, however I wanted to send one email
containing a file or files to recipient and CC, with the actual file being
trasmitted to the recipient only and not the CC list. The CC list just needs
to see the email and not to receive the actual file.

Brian Tillman

Boxer said:
That is what i'm currently doing, however I wanted to send one email
containing a file or files to recipient and CC, with the actual file
being trasmitted to the recipient only and not the CC list. The CC
list just needs to see the email and not to receive the actual file.

Can't be done. As far as mail transfer is concerned, there is no difference
whatsoever between the recipients in the To field and recipients in the Cc


Boxer said:
That is what i'm currently doing, however I wanted to send one email
containing a file or files to recipient and CC, with the actual file
trasmitted to the recipient only and not the CC list. The CC list
just needs
to see the email and not to receive the actual file.

Can't be done. Only ONE copy of your message goes to all recipients.
The To, Cc, and Bcc fields in your e-mail client are NOT used to route
your mails. All recipients in those fields are aggregated into one list
of RCPT-TO commands that your e-mail client sends to the SMTP server
following by single DATA command that contains the content of your mail
(which includes headers and body). The mail server then sends out
multiple copies, one for each recipients. Since the e-mail client only
sends one copy, it is impossible to send different mails (same body but
different attachments) to different recipients.

You will need to send one copy of your mail to the recipient(s) that get
the attached file and then send another mail to those recipients that
don't get the attached file. There is no differentiation between the To
and Cc (and Bcc) fields. They are all recipients of your mail. There
is no differentiation between recipients listed in the To field from
those in the Cc field.

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