Robin Ketting
Hello fellow developers,
I'm writing vba code for years now, in Excel as well in
other Office applications.
Now I stumble into a little problem I like to resolve.
I copy some rows in a previous function, open a new .xls
file, paste the rows in the new sheet, ans save the new
However, when I close Excel, I get the question if I want
to keep the -into the clipboard copied data- for further
And I don't want this question.. because the new file is
just a file I use lateron as a Word datafile.
Does anybody know a solution to use vba code to empty the
clipboard, or any other solution so I don't get the
popwindow anymore??
The code I have written so far is:
Function fncCreateNewSheet(strNewFilename As String) As
On Error GoTo err_fncCreateNewSheet
Application.StatusBar = "Put copied rows into new sheet..."
Set xlApp2 = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set xlBook2 = xlApp2.Workbooks.Add
Set xlSheet2 = xlBook2.Worksheets(1)
xlApp2.Visible = True
xlSheet2.Cells(1, 1).Select
Application.StatusBar = "Save Datafile as " &
xlBook2.SaveAs strNewFilename, , , , True
'//Here I like to empty the clipboard??
Set xlApp2 = Nothing
Exit Sub
Call subErrorHandling(True, Err, Erl, Err.Description,
CurrentType, CurrentName, "fncCreateNewSheet")
Resume exit_fncCreateNewSheet
End Function
I'm writing vba code for years now, in Excel as well in
other Office applications.
Now I stumble into a little problem I like to resolve.
I copy some rows in a previous function, open a new .xls
file, paste the rows in the new sheet, ans save the new
However, when I close Excel, I get the question if I want
to keep the -into the clipboard copied data- for further
And I don't want this question.. because the new file is
just a file I use lateron as a Word datafile.
Does anybody know a solution to use vba code to empty the
clipboard, or any other solution so I don't get the
popwindow anymore??
The code I have written so far is:
Function fncCreateNewSheet(strNewFilename As String) As
On Error GoTo err_fncCreateNewSheet
Application.StatusBar = "Put copied rows into new sheet..."
Set xlApp2 = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
Set xlBook2 = xlApp2.Workbooks.Add
Set xlSheet2 = xlBook2.Worksheets(1)
xlApp2.Visible = True
xlSheet2.Cells(1, 1).Select
Application.StatusBar = "Save Datafile as " &
xlBook2.SaveAs strNewFilename, , , , True
'//Here I like to empty the clipboard??
Set xlApp2 = Nothing
Exit Sub
Call subErrorHandling(True, Err, Erl, Err.Description,
CurrentType, CurrentName, "fncCreateNewSheet")
Resume exit_fncCreateNewSheet
End Function