Hi Ying,
I see that you also posted the question on the MS Word team blog <g>. Joe Friend and a couple of other folks on the Word/Office
2007 teams have moved over to
http://officelabs.com, but it will be interesting to see if you get a response on the Word Team blog.
(As you noted several of the Word 2007 entries on Joe's separate blog are broken).
The Word 2007 Blog Tool feature was a late addition to MS Word 2007 and runs from a built in add-on/miniapp feature through
MSOIntl.DLL (language specific). The Blog Tool has its own RibbonX customization that doesn't include making the regular Ribbon
tabs visible and it is somewhat limited in working with several blog providers. Perhaps MS will update it for Service Pack 2, they
didn't for Service Pack 1.
This custom ribbon is invoked when calling the \BlogTool schema, and the Custom Ribbon and Content Control in a new blog post are
triggered by having a DocVar="Blog" in the Settings.xml part in the Blog template. Be careful when modifying the underlying parts
of this feature set, it appears to be a bit fragile.
Is there a specific tool on the Developer tab you're looking to use to add a tagging feature into the template rather than adding it
on the service? The Keyboard shortcuts still work for items from the Developer Tab (for example Alt+F11 will start the VBA Editor),
or you can save a copy of the Blog.dotx template, then use
Office Button=>Word Options=>Customize
Set the 'Customize Quick Access Toolbar' choice to appear only in 'Blog.dotx' (or the name you created to work on), then in the
'Choose Commands from' list select Developer tag and put the parts on the Quick Access Toolbar (QAT).
Word 2007 provides a template to do blog post, a wonderful feature. I am
using it to post to Blogger. But the template doesn't provide a means to
label(every other blogger engine calls it tag) a post. So I want to customize
the blog template to enable this. But ribbon for blog.dotx somehow hides
Developer tab. I checked the Word Options, developer tab has enabled there.
How can I turn on the Developer tab?
Bob Buckland ?

MS Office System Products MVP
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