hi Eric
When I run a macro as shown below, how does excel define th
application area?
The "application" can be considered a container which holds a group o
open workbooks within it. You can open multiple "instances" of Excel b
clicking on the Excel icon in the Start Menu (or desktop etc) & eac
instance becomes a separate independent container (ie anothe
"application area") for another group of workbooks.To see whic
workbooks are in the same instance (including hidden workbooks
addins), in Excel press [alt + F11] to open the VBE, press [ctrl + r] t
show the list of projects as these correspond to a project pe
Eric;694480 said:
Case 1
If I open an excel worksheet1.xls, then I open worksheet2.xls withi this
open worksheet1, do I open 1 excel application? If I set calcmode, wil it
apply to both worksheets at this moment?
If I understand correctly... Yes, it is one instance of the applicatio
& yes, calcmode will apply to both workbooks (ie "worksheet1.xls"
Eric;694480 said:
Case 2
If I open an excel worksheet1.xls, then I open another exce application and
open worksheet2.xls, do I open 2 excel application? If I set calcmod for
worksheet2, will it apply to worksheet1.xls at this moment?
If I understand correctly... Yes, you will have two instances of th
application & no, calcmode will only apply to workbooks in the sam
instance as "worksheet2.xls".
There are much better explanations of "application.calculation" so I'l
provide links rather than repeating the words of others. Charle
Williams has a lot of useful info on his site & I recommend you read al
the frames (listed across the top) on the following link: 'How the Exce
Smart Recalculation Engine works - Decision Models
http://www.decisionmodels.com/calcsecrets.htm). Charles' site is als
mentioned by DonkeyOte in '[Solved] How to always open spreadsheets wit
auto-calc disabled - Excel Help Forum' (
Hopefully the links will clarify this enough for you, but if not, as
more questions & we'll see what we can come up with...