How to ensure links work on Front Page??



I created a page using Front Page. I linked it to two other Front Page pages
that I created. I hyperlinked it to pictures on my computer and to websites.
When I open it up on my computer by going to Front Page, open, select it, it
opens and everything works. When I click on the icon on the desktop for my
document, it opens and the links work. When I send the home page as an
attachment, the links to the other pages and the pictures do not work. I need
to send it as an attachment so someone else can view it and be able to edit

Thomas A. Rowe

You must publish the web / site to a web server that has the FP extensions via http, then the other
person would open the live/remote site in their copy of FP, etc.


You must zip all pages and images, etc. and attach to an email to the other person.

Thomas A. Rowe
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage

Dan L

An alternative to what Thomas said is to zip your web (all files and folders)
and send the zipped web to the other person. When they unzip it they will
have all folders, pages, images, documents, etc.

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