How to enter diacritics in OneNote 2007?


Grant Robertson

Is there a way to enter diacritic symbols (like umlats or the hat symbol
^) above characters in ON 2007? I am trying to enter as much of my math
notes as possible using text rather than pictures pasted in from Equation
Editor. So I need to be able to put things like bars or arrows above
letters or a pair of letters. I guess I could do it in handwriting but it
looks bad to mix the two.

Patrick Schmid

I suppose you could look through the font and enter corresponding
characters (if they exist) with the ALT-number sequences. Best way to do
this is to use Start, All Programs, Accessories, System Tools, Character

Patrick Schmid


You would go to "insert" at the top menu bar and choose "symbol." When you
click on "symbol" you'll see all the character sets for the font you're using.

Rainald Taesler

Sheila shared these words of wisdom:
You would go to "insert" at the top menu bar and choose
"symbol." When you click on "symbol" you'll see all the
character sets for the font you're using.

Thanks for the pointer to this really nice feature (CharMap built-in
now, great <!>).


Grant Robertson

Thanks for the pointer to this really nice feature (CharMap built-in
now, great <!>).

Its been part of all Office products since at least the 2000 versions if
not before. I even put a button on the toolbar for easier access.
However, it doesn't do what I want. I want to type a character then hit a
shortcut key combination to ADD a diacritic above it. There are too many
possible combinations of letters and diacritical marks to keep digging
through the list in the Insert Symbol dialog every time I need a rarely
used letter/diacritic combination.

Rainald Taesler

Grant Robertson shared these words of wisdom:
Its been part of all Office products since at least the 2000
versions if not before.

Shame on ME! I can be prety dumb :-( :-(
Really did not know it :-( :-(
As I neede it every so often, I had put the CharMap tool in the upper
section of the Start-Menu ;-)


Grant Robertson

As I neede it every so often, I had put the CharMap tool in the upper
section of the Start-Menu ;-)

Yeah, I tried the CharMap tool but I didn't like it as much. What I would
really like is a configurable pallet of symbols that would just sit in
the task tray. I could just tap on the icon in the task tray then tap on
the symbol I wanted. It should insert the symbol regardless of what font
it was from. Then it would set the font back to what it was before the
symbol so I could just keep typing without having to reset the font.

Does anyone know of a power toy or third party utility that does this?

Fritz Switzer

Does anyone know of a power toy or third party utility that does this?

I tried using Phrase Express and it seemed to work okay in NotePad and
OneNote, Outlook Express had some issues. Might be worth a try.

Hope this helps,


Rainald Taesler

Grant Robertson shared these words of wisdom:
Yeah, I tried the CharMap tool but I didn't like it as much.
What I would really like is a configurable pallet of symbols
that would just sit in the task tray.

Yes, would be really nice to have.
What I forgot: I also put it on the list of the "Quick Start" bar so
that it is just one mouse-/pen-click and going up the list away.
It's not in the TaskTray (you could easily put it there using one of
the numerous TaskTray tool) but not really further away.
I could just tap on the icon in the task tray then
tap on the symbol I wanted.

It's a double-click in CharMap and a click on the button. Not too
The problem lies
It should insert the symbol regardless of what
font it was from. Then it would set the font back to
what it was before the symbol so I could just keep
typing without having to reset the font.

Exactly on the point! The big drawback with CharMap (as it has always
been) is the need work on the *font* side in addition.
Does anyone know of a power toy or third party utility that does

Unfortunately not me :-( :-(
I cannot see how complex for "diacritics" is. But Phrase Express (as
Fritz suggested) might work for easier things.
I'm planning to create a stock of things for pen-pointing like
email-addresses (the @ is really difficult to draw) and common
There are others more powerful ones like EnergyKey, but Phrase Express
is really easy to use.

P.S. How about googling yourself? <eg,d&rvvf>

Rainald Taesler

Fritz Switzer shared these words of wisdom:
I tried using Phrase Express and it seemed to work okay in NotePad
and OneNote, Outlook Express had some issues.

Which were the issues in OE?

Works for me as long as the font in use has the character in question.
F.e.: Normally I'm using Text only for mail as well as news and my
default font is "Letter Gothic 12BT", a "fixed" (non-PS) font which
does not run as wide as f.e. Courier New.
As I have an older version the € (currency symbol for the EURO) does
not work as it did not yet exist when the font was produced (the same
with my favorite font for presentations, "Rotis SanSerif"). No problem
with Unicode fonts and OpenType fonts.

But I did not yet come across any other issue with Phrase Express and
OE. So I would be thankful could you share your findings and I can
avoid to spend too much work on creating phrases and key-combination.


Fritz Switzer


It wasn't a very extensive test. :) I added "À", to Phrase Express, and
opened a Notepad, OneNote and OE message, the diacritic A wasn't added to
OE. However, I just re-tested with this message, and it seemed to work
okay. I'd ignore the previous OE problem reference and consider it working.

(oops ignore the previous.....I just tried again and the insert doesn't
repeatedly add text to OE) :(

Seems to be a bug somewhere.


Rainald Taesler

Fritz Switzer shared these words of wisdom:

Thanks for coming back, Fritz
(oops ignore the previous.....I just tried again and the insert
doesn't repeatedly add text to OE) :(

Seems to be a bug somewhere.

Strange, really strange.
Seems that I will have to do some more testing prior to making

There are quite some more powerful instruments but I simply love the
simplicity of PhraseExpress.

Thanks again
P.S. As I have your ear: Since in the TabletPC NG you praised the
flexibility of ON's API might we expect some ad-on/powertoy from your
side to cover some serious gaps in ON's tablet/pen functionality?
There some areas where key-combinations are needed (f.e. "flipping"
through pages which does not work on slate device) and the developers
obviously did not really have the needs for in mind which appear when
using keyboard-less devices [siiiigh]

Fritz Switzer

Thanks for coming back, Fritz

I've never left :) :) The coverage provided by respondents for this NG is
thorough and accurate and there is little reason for me to add my take on
most issues.
P.S. As I have your ear: Since in the TabletPC NG you praised the
flexibility of ON's API might we expect some ad-on/powertoy from your side
to cover some serious gaps in ON's tablet/pen functionality?

The ON API for OneNote 2003 is very powerful. It has enabled us to launch a
suite of applications that use OneNote as an application platform. I'm
surprised others haven't taken advangtage of this capability. We monitor
closely changes that are occuring with OneNote 2007 and BETA releases. We
fully expect to take advantage of these changes with additional
functionality and features with our product releases in the future.
However, until we get closer to RTM, our plans remain fluid.

Where we can, and if makes sense, we typically address any OneNote
"shortcomings" on the application side of our OneNote Toolkits. For
example, we added a "alphabetizing" feature to re-order notes based on
Patient Names in our OneNote EMR product.

"Add-on/powertoys" is not currently part of our business model. We have
provided "utilities/FAQs/tutorials" on our website that sometimes address
specific problems/issues and will continue that practice.

Thanks again Rainald for your kind comments.

Best wishes,


PS- You may want to keep your eye out for "flicks". This Vista/pen feature
may meet some of your slate navigation needs. :)

Fritz Switzer
Microsoft Tablet PC MVP
Rainald Taesler said:
Fritz Switzer shared these words of wisdom:

Thanks for coming back, Fritz
(oops ignore the previous.....I just tried again and the insert
doesn't repeatedly add text to OE) :(

Seems to be a bug somewhere.

Strange, really strange.
Seems that I will have to do some more testing prior to making decision.

There are quite some more powerful instruments but I simply love the
simplicity of PhraseExpress.

Thanks again
P.S. As I have your ear: Since in the TabletPC NG you praised the
flexibility of ON's API might we expect some ad-on/powertoy from your side
to cover some serious gaps in ON's tablet/pen functionality?
There some areas where key-combinations are needed (f.e. "flipping"
through pages which does not work on slate device) and the developers
obviously did not really have the needs for in mind which appear when
using keyboard-less devices [siiiigh]

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