How to exit debug mode from Acess


John Bu

At times after removing the debug stop from the vba code when re-running the
code debug is entered again.

I have an application that now breaks into debug even after closing down the

What can I do to stop the application going into debug mode?

Dawn Crosier

From the Tools menu in VBE, select Options. Then select the
General Tab. Make sure Break on Unhandled errors is checked. I
switch to Break on All Errors while I am in development, and then
to Unhandled errors when I publish. That way I hopefully have
handled everything gracefully, and users get friendly messages

Dawn Crosier
Microsoft MVP
"Education Lasts a Lifetime"

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At times after removing the debug stop from the vba code when
re-running the
code debug is entered again.

I have an application that now breaks into debug even after
closing down the

What can I do to stop the application going into debug mode?

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